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The Blog of Doom (and maybe some happy stuff, too)

Place where I post movies, and random things about stuff. People like stuff, right? Oh, Shiny things. I KNOW people like shiny things.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


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Now look what you've gone and done! You've broken it!


All work and little play make me bad at engrish.

Going crazy from deadlines being so close. I can't wait until tomorrow is over... then I only have a little bit to work on at a time again (hooray!).

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Work, Work, No work

Wow. Teachers like to make all the tests around the same time. Not to mention pile on homework so they can get something entered for mid term marks. But, I can't really work on anything tonight, since it's my mom's birthday, and we're probably going to be going out somewhere. Not really good for me, but I'll manage somehow. Don't worry, my many non-existant readers, it'll be ok.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

When on a planet inhabited by rock people, the best method to escape is to cover them with paper. Covering them with paper renders the rock people useless. But when armed with scissors, there is no hope against the mighty rock warriors.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Unnngh... *drool*

I've been so tired lately, and I don't know why. Horrible couple of days too. Makes me just want to curl up into a ball and whimper for a while, then fall asleep. Enh, maybe I'm just being lazy. I need to do some exercise this weekend... Going to get the bike out from the backyard (if it hasn't been stolen), and try not to be hit by vehicles. Either today or tomorrow. When I actually feel like not being lazy and go. Yup, any moment now...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Quotes and Robots

Fog Lamps, n.: Excessively (often obnoxiously) bright lamps mounted on the fronts of automobiles; used on dry, clear nights to indicate that the driver's brain is in a fog. See also "Idiot Lights".

Robots (movie)- While it's mainly supposed to be for children, I find that once again there is adult humour, most of which children would not understand. The purpose of this is so that the parents would also watch these movies with their children- sort of like a bonding moment, I suppose you could call it. Can be also seen in Shrek (and the sequel), and basically any other recent animated movie. The movie also has some big names in it, such as Drew Carrey, Robin Williams, Ewan McGregor, Mel Brooks, and Halle Berry. Overall it's a cute movie, has it's funny parts (I found some of it amusing than funny though), and I suppose the graphics aren't bad, considering it's an animated movie. Watch it or don't, depends on what you're into.

Have a lot of work to catch up on, so this is all I'm going to say today.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Random Things

Q: How many Zen masters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: None. The Universe spins the bulb, and the Zen master stays out of the way.

This must be the shortest blog I've written so far (in fact, it definitely is). I really can't think of anything to say right now. Honestly.

Sin City (Movie)

Supposedly based from the comic, the movie has a lot of gore and some nudity. Set in two fictitious (as I can tell) cities, the movie is in black and white with some vivid colour once in a while, and uses contrasts in some scenes (not gray... the distinction between black and white are clearly distinguishable). There were quite a few big time celebrities, such as Bruce Willis, Benicio Del Toro, and Elijah Wood (who played a really great character), as well as guest director Quentin Tarantino. If you are the type of person who does not like a lot of violence, or sex in movies, then don't watch it. It's that simple. But, it is a very funny, good movie, so you'll be missing out. Which is a shame, but that's how it goes sometimes.Anyway, I'll come back later on, and talk about another one I'm supposed to see later on today. Really later on. Like, 7pm.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Tests and Movie Reviews

Nasrudin was carrying home a piece of liver and the recipe for liver pie. Suddenly a bird of prey swooped down and snatched the piece of meat from his hand. As the bird flew off, Nasrudin called after it, "Foolish bird! You have the liver, but what can you do with it without the recipe?"

Ugh. I do so horribly on tests and quizzes. I get it when the teacher is teaching it, I get it when we're working on it as a class, and I even get some of it when I'm doing the homework. I just can't get it when it comes time to do tests and quizzes.

Ever notice how some people just can't find anything to say? Sometimes I really have a hard time trying to find something interesting. I'll probably do some movie reviews or something. Although, I'm not going to give away very much.

Saw-> Hilarious. The acting was so bad in parts that you just had to laugh. Especially close to the end. Some parts of it were interesting, like the little models of the different scenarios, and the trap set for the cop, but there weren't very many interesting parts.

The Grudge-> I liked the concept of the movie, but I think it could have been better with some different actors. Some neat things about the movie were how just stepping into the house will ensure your untimely death, and how some of the "ghosts" were made to look. Although, I was disappointed in the fact that it took a long time for the people (at the end) to do something about it. But it had a more interesting ending than other horror movies that have a happy ending, although they left the ending open for a sequel.

I'm a horror movie freak. Whenever a horror movie (or what looks like one) comes out, I have this urge to go see it, to decide either how bad the movie is, or not. It's a compulsion, but no one else that I know cares about horror movies that much, so they won't come with me to see them, unless I pay for them as well as myself, but I have no job, which means that I'm always low on money. So, more movie reviews to come when I feel like it, and I'll come back on here later (day or so) with other stuff to talk about. Until then.