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The Blog of Doom (and maybe some happy stuff, too)

Place where I post movies, and random things about stuff. People like stuff, right? Oh, Shiny things. I KNOW people like shiny things.

Friday, February 06, 2009

I seem to get bouts of creativity... Some days I will have great idea starters for stories, or even businesses, but I never seem to follow through with them. I now have about 7 story ideas, one business idea, and a stack of poetry I am not doing anything with. I keep thinking that I'll start again when things settle down, but it doesn't end up happening. Seems I need to focus more on self-discipline if I am to get anywhere with it. Or get anywhere with anything, as it seems some things have ground to a halt. No matter how much I am trying, I am finding that some things are quite difficult to accomplish. Perhaps my ambition is dwindling... or perhaps, I just need to find a newer, better lease on life. That, and maybe a person or two that I can bounce ideas off of, and maybe collaborate on a novel or two. I may just need a boost in self-esteem, or something as well. Sometimes I rather like to know what is wrong, other than just pondering about what it could be, but theorizing is all I am able to do at times. I need to get rid of old baggage, and begin anew. Of that I am certain.


At 6:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

هناك العديد من شركات اثاث مكتبى فى مصر،لكن القليل فقط من العلامات التجارية الفاخرة الحقيقية. أشهر ماركات أثاث المكاتب الفاخرة في مصر تشمل Starwood و تقدم هذه العلامات التجارية أثاثًا أنيقًا وعالي الجودة ومثاليًا لأي مساحة مكتبية. إذا كنت تبحث عن أفضل أثاث مكتبي لعملك ، فعليك بالتأكيد التفكير في إحدى هذه العلامات التجارية المتميزة.


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